How to Create Categories and Menus in PromptTech Alacarte Restaurant POS?
To create a new category in Alacarte,
Step1 – Go to the Masters menu on the Alacarte dashboard
Step 2 –Select Category from the list.
Step 3 – In the Category Creation form that appears, fill in details required such as Category name.
Step 4 – Select the required colour for the category.
Step 5 – Click save and your new category is successfully created.
Now, to create a menu you need to create a new item. Follow the below steps to create a new item.
Step1 – Go to the Masters menu on the Alacarte Dashboard.
Step 2 –Select Item from the menu list.
Step 3 –In the Item Creation form that appears, fill in the required details
- Enter item name
- Select item category
- Select item type
- Enter production cost
- Enter item selling price
- Add applicable tax
Step 4 –Click save and you have successfully added a new item to your menu.