How can we track waiters in PromptTech Alacarte Restaurant POS?
There are 2 types of waiter tracking available in Alacarte. You can generate waiter wise reports and waiter item wise reports.
To generate waiter wise report,
Step 1 – Go to Reports on the Alacarte dashboard.
Step 2 – Select Sales option from the list and waiter wise sale from the sub-list.
Step 3 –In the pop-up form, enter the waiter name and from- to date to generate a report.
To generate waiter item wise report,
Step 1 – Go to Reports on the Alacarte dashboard
Step 2 – Select Sales option from the list and waiter item-wise sale from the sub-list.
Step 3 – In the pop-up form, fill in the details and from- to date.
Step 4 – Enter employee name and click the show button.
A list with items sold by the particular waiter will be generated.